Thursday, October 18, 2012

Jazmine Sullivan

I love this artist. Her voice is so soulful and I can't wait to see what she has in store for us in the coming months. Here are some of her songs, that I absolutely love, that has not made it to any of her albums. Enjoy!!

"Always Love You"

"Never Land"

"I Can't Take Another"

  • At just 11 years old, Jazmine star was definitely shining in her version of "Home" from the Wiz. Enjoy!!

Jasmine Mans

This poet is so talented and she is absolutely inspiring. These are some of her videos.

This one I believe was inspired by the death of four beautiful African American girls that were killed in a Birmingham, Alabama church during the civil rights movements. The church was bombed by members of the Klu Klux Klan. You can find more information on this tragic incident on the University of Illinois website: . Jasmine does a wonderful job of telling what would possibly be their response to the event that took their young lives.

I love this poem. She really addresses the problem with Nicki Minaj without dissing her. Although many of Nicki's fans took offense to this and believed she was throwing shade. I don't believe she did this at all. Watch for yourself.

This is my favorite poem. I am pro-choice but we should all remember each aborted child had a future that will never be. This poem centers on the dialogue between a mother and her aborted child. It's powerful and moving! Enjoy.

You can get read more about Jasmine Mans at .
Also, this is her personal tumblr:

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Its been way too long since I have posted. This is my first blog and I want to breath back some life into it. This time my specific focus will be on artist, music, and all the wonderful talented people that inspire me. In the next few days, i'll be making some changes. But until then enjoy my new posts!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Eartha Kitt, Billie Hoiliday and Lena Horne

These women are the best. I really wish I could meet these ladies. They are so timeless and special. Lena Horne is still alive and I believe she lives in NYC. I wish I could meet her and just speak about life. Holiday, Kitt, and Horne lived very historical lives. They had to overcome so much to become the people we remember them as. I don't want their legacy to ever die.

Such a powerful and meaningful performance from Lady Blue

I don't know why I love this song so much but I just love it. Maybe its the pureness she speaks about. Maybe its because it captures the culture of women of color before we became so open.

I really love song....I dream of singing it one day.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

DK aka Wayne Watts

This man is one of those special people that you come across once in a while. He is a rapper and has been doing his thing for a long time. Check out his myspace at:

DK is an independent artist and a college graduate. He is a passionate and truthful rapper. He is a hip hop artist all the way. He has worked with Cee-Lo, Raheem DeVaughn, Ty Tribbett, Fertile Ground, All American Rejects, and much more. Check out his music now and don't forget his name. Here is a clip of his work.

Its a little fuzzy but its still good. Check out his myspace for new music.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Too Long: San Francisco

Its been a while since i have updated but i have been actively involve in community work in San Francisco....So I haven't been slacking. Anyway, if you have never been to San Fran you have to go there. That place is no doubt a beautiful place. The people maybe a little crazy but I am from New York, so I can handle anything. I have some cool things to add from some great upcoming artist so stay tuned. In the mean time, look at some of these picture from San Francisco.

This is the infamous prison that Al Capone served his time. The great Alcatraz. I recommend a visit to this historical prison. Its a museum now.

This is a great view of the Golden Gate Bridge. We walked the entire length of this bridge and back. Going was great but coming back was tedious.....But I definitely recommend you walk this bridge. Great view of the city of San Francisco, Alcatraz, The Bay, etc.

Another great picture of the hills of San Francisco.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Freeze.....Like Me!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the video of the two of my wackist, crazist friends. This is the REMIX to T'Pain's "Freeze". I love when people get in touch with their creativity. Get it ladies.....Bigg upps to Arielle and Andi...Love you ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!